Strategy consultant - Designing Change
- Bain & company, Management Consultant Feb 2004-Oct 2006 Project management and analytics: Market insights and development, innovation and proactivity in a changing environment, Efficiency and revenue enhancement, Acquisitive growth strategy, Advisor to leading Swedish and global private equity funds
Technology, Innovation & Entrepreneurship - Making Change Happen
- Novax, Acting Chief Financial Officer 2014-2015 Supporting entrepreneurs as well as larger teams such as Filippa K, Designtorget, Medius, Academic work and Hyper Island
- Prosales, Team management & delivery process 2012-2013
- Zenterio, Vice President for Strategy & Communication 2011-2012
- Novamedia Postkodlotteriet, Business Development 2010-2011
- TeliaSonera, Strategy Consultant, July 2010 - Nov 2010 Modelling behaviour changes in response to the accelerating speed of technological change and its impact on the use of mobile technology
- Kronans Apotek, Strategy Consultant 2009-2010 Part of the initial team who built the new retail company
- Veolia Environnement, Group Financial Controller 2006-2008 Worked with the management of subsidiaries in the UK, Ireland, Norway, Finland, the Baltic countries and Russia. Board meetings, operational improvement, change management and acquisitions
Tech startup / entrepreneurship
- Strawbees, Vice President for Education 2017-2018
- Coaching of entrepreneurs in Sweden, Spain and Kenya 2016 - current
- Teaching a weekend course for Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship about sustainable leadership for entrepreneurs 2014-2015
Non Profits for Change and Impact
- Tech Missionary, Founder 2016 Empowering young women through creative technology courses
- Berättarministeriet, Volunteer, Husby, Stockholm 2013-2015 Empowering students to express themselves by exploring creative play workshops on collaborative storytelling
- Global Utmaning/Global Challenge, Consultant 2008-2009 Uniting politicians, industry experts, and researchers to generate solutions in areas of climate change and global democracy
Speaking Assignments & Panels
Workshops for the Italian Minister of Education, for Gambian schools on behalf of the Gambian Ministry of Education, and thousands of teachers 2016 - current
- Speaker at the European Commission Flagship Conference Educate to Create, Sofia Bulgaria 2018
- Invited to give a workshop at the Re:publica Media Conference in Berlin 2018
Creativity workshop in Denmark for the Lego Radical Innovation team 2016
Toastmaster at the official Nobel Banquets in Stockholm City Hall 1999, 2000, 2001 on behalf of the Nobel Foundation
Master of Science and Economics
- Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, The Stockholm School of Economics 2000-2003
Engineering at The Royal Institute of Technology, KTH
- Mechanical Engineering part of the 4.5 years Master of Science in Engineering program (1997-1999)
Communication and languages
- Rhetorics, Södertörns Högskola 1999
- Practical philosophy, semantics and logic, Stockholm University 1997
- Spanish, Stockholm University 1996-1997
Psychology & Behaviour Science Courses and Conferences
- PAX GBG, evidence-based classroom teaching model trainer courses with Dennis Embry (USA) in Ireland 2015 and in Estonia 2016
- Behavioural Insights Conference, London 2015
- Contextual Behaviour Science Conference (ACT), London 2013
- Social Psychology by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University, 2013
- Psychology - Language, Memory, and Learning, Stockholm University, 2010
Neuroscience Courses and Conferences
- Neuroscience with KTH Ph.D. students at the Karolinska Institute**
- Creativity in Management, ESADE Barcelona 2015
- Society for NeuroEconomics conference, Miami 2014
Teacher Education Program at Stockholm University
- Evaluating mathematics (KPU)* 2016
- Didactic methods for mathematics (KPU)* 2016
Technology Education by Harriet Aurell (founder of Komtek)
- Two years of mechanics, movement, electronics, design, programming from an inclusive teaching perspective 2016-2017
* attended without formal registration ** not completed
Technology Courses for Students age 7-20 years (examples)
- Tech courses for young women age 13-25 at Gotland, Sweden 2018
- Four-month course for and coaching of the Swedish robot Olympics team through every step of the design process to build and program a robot which collaborated with other country teams in Washington, DC, USA in the summer of 2017 with young people from 157 countries
- Activities for 2000 students age 7-18 in KomTek Örnsköldsviks one week Science Center event, Sweden 2017
- Pedagogical expert consultant for the Municipality of Stockholm, developing a youth center with a broad range of courses and activities attracting young people age 10-19 and 20-29 to learn everything about technology (2017)
- Developed the curriculum and set-up, and led empowerment through technology courses for underprivileged girls age 10-12 and 13-16 years old including study visits to KTH research labs 2016-2017
Technology Workshops for Students age 6-19 (examples)
- Library Workshops for approximately 150 students 2016-2018
- Creative Technology Workshop for girls at Teklafestivalen 2017
- Tekniska Museet Mini Maker Faire, Sweden 2016
- After School Program workshop for Kindergarten, Södra Ängby skola 2015
Teaching High School Mathematics in new ways
- Jensen Gymnasium, substitute teacher ~170 students spring of 2016
- Developed a new summer course for 17-19-year-olds to catch up with the elementary school curriculum as well as to pass the high school course Matematik B for Kulturama high school 2016
Technology Education Workshops for Teachers (examples)
- DIDACTA for teachers and teacher students, Hannover 2018
- TECA for ~700 teachers and librarians, Austin, Texas, USA 2018
- Berlin Media Convention re:publica in Berlin 2018
- Italian Ministry of Education, Bologna 2018
- Preparing teachers for the new digital literacy curriculum 2017
- Teachers support Stockholm Science & Innovation School, 2016
University Level Teaching
- Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship/Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, Teacher and Co-developer of a new course (fully booked each cycle) coaching entrepreneurs 2014-2015.